The back ground of YETA

Youth Empowerment To Act (YETA) is a Refugee Led Organization established in June 2018 as a liquid soap making group trained by OXFAM in Imvepi refugee settlement, Odupi Sub-county, Terego District-Uganda. YETA is registered with Terego District Local Government in Uganda with Certificate No. 636/56 and Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) with the TIN 1026036693.

The formation of YETA was precipitated by increased socioeconomic problems associated with youth unemployment (low levels of education), limited access to formal education by children with disability, inadequate access to tertiary  and vocational schools which has left the youth frustrated and resorted into drug and substance abuse that trigger violence (GBV,SGBV) and other conflict related acts in the community which resulted to suicide and village crimes such as theft, destruction of the environment (tree cutting for wood fuel) and  vandalism of community facilities like security solar light as ways of getting money, increased economic bondage of women, poor sexual behavior among the youth that has increased the spread of HIV/AIDS. Unequal involvement and participation of women and the minority communities in leadership and service delivery, low levels of community participation in hygiene and sanitation promotion to access clean and safe drinking water as well as increased cases of violence and conflicts among communities (Refugees and host) over the scarce shared ecosystem (Land, trees for fuel and construction, grasses and water).

YETA began her operations in 2018 to offer educational, empowerment and supportive services to the communities of Imvepi refugee settlement in order to address the challenges mentioned above through mobilizing local community support and donor funding in order to generate local solutions to local community socioeconomic challenges.